Removing the stigma and myths that surround mental illness

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Depression Checklist.

As much as you think you'd know if you suffer from depression, it's not always that easy.  There are a number of disorders/illnesses that can mask the symptoms, or in fact, appear as depression when it's something else entirely.

It's normal to feel some of the following symptoms from time to time, but if you experience several or more for more than two or three weeks, this may be indicative of Depression or another depressive illness.  Remember, you must seek a professional for an accurate diagnosis of depression.

Please note:   Other illnesses and certain medications can cause symptoms that mimic the symptoms of depression. A complete medical examination should be performed to rule out the presence of other medical conditions potentially causing depressive symptoms.
Here is the list of symptoms that are widely associated with depression.

  • I feel sad.
  • I feel like crying a lot.
  • I'm bored.
  • I feel alone.
  • I don't really feel sad, just 'empty'.
  • I don't have confidence in myself.
  • I don't like myself.
  • I often feel scared, but don't know why.
  • I feel mad, like I could just explode!
  • I feel guilty.
  • I can't concentrate.
  • I have a hard time remembering things.
  • I don't want to make decisions - it's too much work.
  • I feel like I'm in a fog.
  • I'm so tired, no matter how much I sleep.
  • I'm frustrated with everything and everyone.
  • I don't have fun anymore.
  • I feel helpless
  • I'm always getting into trouble
  • I'm restless and jittery, I can't sit still.
  • I feel nervous.
  • I feel disorganized, like my head is spinning.
  • I feel self-conscious.
  • I can't think straight, my brain doesn't seem to work.
  • I feel ugly.
  • I don't feel like talking anymore - I just don't have anything to say.
  • I feel my life has no direction.
  • I feel life isn't worth living.
  • I consume alcohol/take drugs regularly.
  • My whole body feels slowed down - my speech, my walk, and my movements.
  •  I don't want to go out with friends anymore.
  •  I don't feel like taking care of my appearance.
  •  Occasionally, my heart pounds, I can't catch my breath, and I feel tingly.
  •  My vision feels strange and I feel I might pass out. The feeling passes in seconds, but I'm afraid it will happen again.
  •  Sometimes I feel like I'm losing it.
  •  I feel "different" from everyone else.
  • I smile, but inside I'm miserable.
  •  I have difficulty falling asleep or I awaken between 1 A.M. and 5 A.M. and then I can't get back to sleep.
  •  My appetite has diminished - food tastes so bland
  •  My appetite has increased - I feel I could eat all the time.
  •  My weight has increased/decreased.
  •  I have headaches.
  •  I have stomachaches.
  •  My arms and legs hurt.
  •  I feel nauseous.
  •  I'm dizzy.
  •  Sometimes my vision seems blurred or slow.
  •  I'm clumsy.
  •  My neck hurts.
Suffice to say, I suffer from a LOT of these symptoms, and in my next  post, I shall share the ones I suffer from, and try to explain exactly how they affect me personally.  I don't suffer from ALL of them thank God, but it wasn't until I actually started reading through this checklist that a lot of things began to make sense to me.  Hopefully, if you've been experiencing several of these symptoms for a while, it may just induce you to make a GP's appointment.  Trust me, not getting treatment for this disorder can turn messy and ugly real quick!

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